The majority of my stories are urban fantasy, science fiction, and fantasy. I’m currently working on an urban fantasy novel about a supernatural circus filled with shapeshifting birds, werewolves, were-tigers, and very talented horses – because duh! 🙂
Back in the day (well before covid destroyed our sense of time) I wrote and published the FLUFFIEST thing I have ever written. As the publisher is no longer functional and the rights are all mine (mahahahah!) I figured I’d share it here. Eventually it will be joined by links to delicious SFF things to read as well.
“A Rose by Another Name”
Originally published by Torquere Press in
“Conversation Hearts, a Valentines Day Anthology”
Feb 2014
Peter Yates is a rising star making the promotional rounds in Europe for his new film. Leaving LA after a fight with his boyfriend has put him on edge and made what should be exhausting fun just exhausting. Maybe the roses that he begins receiving in city after city with no signature can lift not only Peter’s spirits, but his hopes as well.
Word Count: 5300
Rating: PG / Fluff