There are a whole lot of chronic illnesses out there. Recently my GP told me that there are so many more auto-immune disorders than we even have names or tests for. Since I got sick in 2006 I have been up and down the medical roller coaster looking for answers to what was messing with my life and how to deal with the symptoms since a cure seemed impossible.
If there is any one thing I learned from all of this its that we, the patients, are the ones who know our bodies best. We live day in and day out with pain and sleep disturbances, food sensitivities, environmental allergens, headaches, backaches and heartaches. It took me thirteen months and four different doctors to get the first useful diagnosis and years more of trial and error to find therapies that were even remotely helpful for me. Don’t give up. Don’t let a doctor bully you into doing something that sounds or feels wrong to you, but don’t ignore their words out of hand. There are a lot of good doctors out there who really do what to help people find answers and solutions, so if you don’t mesh with one doctor, go find another, and another until you find one who will be a partner and advocate in your recovery.
And whatever you do, don’t give up and don’t forget your glitter!
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