My little space in this vast multiverse of websites, blogs, vlogs, pages, sages, and wages? Metaphors get away from me sometimes… oops?
I’m Kate, a writer, who once dreamed of being a starship captain but grudgingly accepts that she is in fact a Disney Princess with a hoard of cats and crows that drop off their kids in her backyard. I grew up running wild in a classical repertory theater, joined a circus after college, almost became a marine biologist, and formed a ritual-theatre company. Now more adult-ish, I’m still in love with cetaceans, practice witchcraft, have figured out I’m asexual, and negotiate life with a collection of chronic illnesses. I also have two awesome adult kids, and an amazing husband who listens to all of my wild ideas, bakes tasty things, and leaves her to write.
I’m currently working on the 3rd draft of my first novel, several short stories, a set of articles about my fascination with FunkoPops! and am notorious for falling down rabbit holes that lead to more world building details than I need for a 3,000 word story (which is why none of them have been that short yet!).
The tea pot’s hot, there’s honey and cream on the table, many flavors of tea, and plenty of mugs to go around.